Wednesday, March 16, 2011


First off, sorry for not writing for awhile, life has been, well life.

But good, no, great news! I GOT INTO PENN STATE!!!!

It's not my first choice, but at least I know that I have somewhere to go next semester!

Oh god I cannot wait!
Now I'm just waiting for Plattsburgh and Binghamton, neither of which I think I'll get into but whatevs I'm totes excited!

Stupidly, I signed up for six classes this semester (originally I signed up for five, but my parents bugged me about how cheap it is [financial aid and all] and I should just sign up for one more).  I signed up for Bio, Statistics, French II, Western Civ I, Mythology =], and Intro to Lit. 

I just dropped Intro to Lit, which if you knew me, you would wonder why.

See, I'm amazing at English, I'm a writer and a reader so I love English.  I hated Intro to Lit.

Actually, it was more that I disliked my teacher more then hating the class.   He was boring, I didn't like how he taught the class, and I got my first F in English, in like ever.

I figured, I can't afford a low grade, so Lit was automatically the first to go.

Next, work, well work isn't so bad, just on top of six classes (now five) it got to be fairly stressful.  My schedule is, Sunday 1-5 (time and a half wootwoot), Monday 2:30-7:30 and I get out of class at 2, so not much time for myself, and Tuesday 4-8, which now it's okay because I dropped the class right before that shift, but again, I got out a 3:30, so still, not so much time on my hands.

And then my home life, my step-mother is a bitch, and I just want to get out of this town.  I think I talk to my parents for about twenty minutes per week, if even.

Oh life, just get simpler now please?
~College Girl~

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A few days ago, I attempted to post a blog about my adventures of cooking.  I have a droid and I downloaded the Blogger app, so I thought hey I can update anywhere.  That was Saturday, it's still publishing X_X

Anywho, I would like to tell all you menstruating girls...tampons suck.

They are uncomfortable, and expensive.

But don't fret! There is a solution!
Menstrual cups.

Yea, yea ew ew, but seriously, totally awesome, they range from $20-$40 and they are totally worth it.

I've been using it since the summer and they are awesome.  You can leave it in for around twelve hours (usually the suggested time period) which means you only have to change two to three times a day!

I usually sleep with mine, and I've had not problems what so ever. 

It may be weird at first, I know it took me a few tries to get use to putting it in, but definitely worth it! =D

Here are some sites you can buy them and extras:  (this is the one I have) 

I also have cloth pads, but I'm still in the transition with that one.  

Good luck with the crime seen in your pants!

~College Girl~ 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Oh by the way this is the necklace my boyfriend got me for our two year anniversary :D
~College Girl~

Cheeeeeese cake =]

Hey all!

Sorry I disappeared for a few day, this has been test week for me!

I hope you all had a great valentines day! Mine was okay, we finished our leftovers from date night and I finally got to have some of my red velvet cake cheese cake from the Cheese cake factory. YUM!

FYI: Date night was amazing! =DDDDD Best anniversary ever, mainly since this has only been our second, and last year I drugged my boyfriend X_X  I gave him cold pm medicine =/

Any way, as you all know, I've been poor lately.  And I noticed peta2 (yea yea I know, but hey they have a lot of good recipes and free shit) has a blog thing for three dollar meals

take a look.  I might try some just review! 

The lame thing is that my grocery store doesn't sell oriental flavored ramen (LAMEEEE)

The lamer part is that we have a package of shrimp ramen, and I want it so bad, I just haven't found a good, recipe i guess, to replace the packet.

I guess I'll have to keep looking out.  If any of you know! Give me a hint!

~College Girl~

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gifts Gifts Gifts

Tomorrow, or well right now technically, since it's midnight, is the two year anniversary of my boyfriend and I being together. =D

Dude, two years? Who would have thought? Not me!

After I get off work around five, I'm going to rush home, get dressed (I'm thinking a dress like shirt [one of my favorites], my jegging's [jean/legging hybrid] and a pair of heals!)  Then, we are going to do a dinner and movie deal, a cliche, but such a good one! Dinner at The Cheesecake Factory! And the movie, No Strings Attached.

Doesn't that sound exciting?!?!?!?!?

And I'm getting a necklace!


My gift to him is a new phone as soon as his two year plan thing ends in March.

But since we really never spent valentines day together (our first valentines day (the next day of him asking me out) together, it was like an awkward first date, the second I was in a car heading up the Vermont to ski with my family).  So this year I thought we'd get little gifts.  Last year I made him a mix CD and duct tape roses.  But I don't know what to do!  I'm hitting the Google!

Wish me luck
~College Girl~

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kick the Can

Okay, I get a soda machine eating my money, not that I like it, but it's understandable.  But when I pressed the button for a Dr. Pepper I heard a clink, and nothing came out, so after a minute or so of fishing around, the can popped out. But instead of a nice, full can, I got a dented and banged up can, with almost all of the soda gone.  The kicker is, the can was still closed

What. The. Fuck.

I finally got a soda, a root beer, from the cafeteria, but it was more money.  I think I'm done with these machines...they like to eat my money when I don't have any.

The next best thing?
I've basically eating carbs this week.

It's all we have at home, meal wise, which is weird since my step-mom is doing the south beach diet.  And it's really the only thing I can afford for lunch at school that's filling.

Yesterday? Breakfast: Bagel thin with smart balance butter
                  Lunch: Bagel with cream cheese and a small fry
                 Dinner: Pasta

Today, basically same thing, except I haven't had dinner, but it'll probably be captain crunch at my boyfriends house.

I considered getting a wrap, but that was five dollars, I only had six. 

They also have a salad bar, but the price depends on weight, and I don't want to be the jerk who puts stuff in the thing and have to throw it away because it's too much money. A grilled cheese is almost three dollars, so it's more then the bagel, and I don't even know how much a veggie burger is.

Oh, right, by the way, I'm a lacto-vegetarian, which means I don't eat any animal (including chicken and fish) and I don't eat eggs.

Oh andddd I'm trying to lose weight, which from what you've seen so far, it's working out real swell.

I don't know what to do anymore
I just can't wait to get my paycheck tomorrow, get out of my house next fall and go to a university, and finally find a way to lose weight the healthy way and stick to it

~College Girl~

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's Thriller!

I don't know how I forgot about this, but who watched the new Glee episode? Anyone, anyone, Bueller?

Well, if you haven't, then I suggest you go watch right this instant! It was awesome!

And that kiss at the end? What the fuck was that about!?
That irked me.

And now I'm watching Degrassi OMG moments.
I know. Sad.

I'm sick of these Justin Bieber commercials...I don't give a shit that she has a new movie or whatever!
Oops, did I just refer to "the biebs"(X_X) as a girl? Yes, cause SHE IS =]

Kay off to watch more bad TV when I should be doing homework!
~College Girl~

Name Change?

I know I just started this blog, but I feel like this is all about me being poor this week.

Which so far it kinda it is.

 Poor College Girl.

 Just doesn't have the same ring to it.  Oh well, hopefully it'll get better when I get my pay check.

More about my poorness:
I actually did it.  I asked my dad for gas money.  He gave me $20, so far I only used ten, hoping that what I have in my car now will last me till Friday morning when I get to fill Jayden (my car's name, he's gay) to the tippy top. 
The other ten dollars will be my spending money till Friday.

I have to keep reminding my self not to write too much, my problem has always been this: I think WAY to much, it's probably the key to my insomnia.

Okay, I guess that's it for now.  I'm sure I'll blog about something in an hour or so.

See ya then
~College Girl~

Late to bed, and Early to rise

I ended up going to bed around 2:30-3. I slept through my 6:15 and 6:30 alarm and woke up at 7, which wasn't too bad since I wasn't planning on eating breakfast. 

I did however, stop at 7-Eleven to get a large cappuccino with some yummy cinnamon coffee mate or something.

And the whole ride over (which is only fifteen minutes or so)  I was hoping my gas gauge wouldn't move past the quarter line (it did).  I really don't know how I'm going to go through the week until payday.

Now I'm off to Biology 101, which hopefully I can stay awake for.

~College Girl~

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Introductions and First Impressions

Hello there!
Before I continue with this blog, I would like to thank you for actually taking the time to read it. 

Also, I would like to add that collegegirl101 was taken so I opted (and slightly cringed) for collegegrl101.

Any-who, hi, I'm college girl (not grl), cliche? possibly, but whatev's.

So, the basics:
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female...dur
Relationship status: Taken!

I'm a freshmen at my local community college, and I'm in the middle of applying to other schools far far away.

And I'm poor.

The sad thing to me is, my tuition isn't much, so how the fuck am I so poor? I have a job, I live at home, and a mooch off of my boyfriend a lot for food.  So why do I only have eighteen bucks in my checking account?

I even shopped at TJ Maxx!

I couldn't do Walmart, I'm not that desperate, though I did use to shop there, during middle school.

I mean, I may have bought tops, that I really didn't need, and that Chi hair-straightener (Which was only forty bucks! What a steal right?), and tights that I also could have lived with out.

BUT I did get what I actually needed, and that was two pairs of jeans. I even went to the dollar store next-door to get some cheap pink plastic razors.

And I might have gone across the street and bought my boyfriend Little Big Planet 2, but technically that is his Christmas gift (in February, yea I know).

And I still owe my dad three months worth of my phone bill, andddd I need to finish paying off this semester, which I should probably figure out when I need to have that payment due...

I am a wreck.

It's 1:26 a.m. here.  I have an eight o' clock class, I can't sleep, which I should be able to because I just got back from a three-day mini vacation.  But noooo, my insomnia doesn't give a shit if I need to sleep or not.

So, tomorrow morning, I will probably waste two bucks on a cup of coffee from 7-Eleven, and hope that I don't run out of gas. 

Wish me luck, and thanks again for reading this ranting blog post

~College Girl~