Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A few days ago, I attempted to post a blog about my adventures of cooking.  I have a droid and I downloaded the Blogger app, so I thought hey I can update anywhere.  That was Saturday, it's still publishing X_X

Anywho, I would like to tell all you menstruating girls...tampons suck.

They are uncomfortable, and expensive.

But don't fret! There is a solution!
Menstrual cups.

Yea, yea ew ew, but seriously, totally awesome, they range from $20-$40 and they are totally worth it.

I've been using it since the summer and they are awesome.  You can leave it in for around twelve hours (usually the suggested time period) which means you only have to change two to three times a day!

I usually sleep with mine, and I've had not problems what so ever. 

It may be weird at first, I know it took me a few tries to get use to putting it in, but definitely worth it! =D

Here are some sites you can buy them and extras:  (this is the one I have) 

I also have cloth pads, but I'm still in the transition with that one.  

Good luck with the crime seen in your pants!

~College Girl~ 

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