Hello there!
Before I continue with this blog, I would like to thank you for actually taking the time to read it.
Also, I would like to add that collegegirl101 was taken so I opted (and slightly cringed) for collegegrl101.
Any-who, hi, I'm college girl (not grl), cliche? possibly, but whatev's.
So, the basics:
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female...dur
Relationship status: Taken!
I'm a freshmen at my local community college, and I'm in the middle of applying to other schools far far away.
And I'm poor.
The sad thing to me is, my tuition isn't much, so how the fuck am I so poor? I have a job, I live at home, and a mooch off of my boyfriend a lot for food. So why do I only have eighteen bucks in my checking account?
I even shopped at TJ Maxx!
I couldn't do Walmart, I'm not that desperate, though I did use to shop there, during middle school.
I mean, I may have bought tops, that I really didn't need, and that Chi hair-straightener (Which was only forty bucks! What a steal right?), and tights that I also could have lived with out.
BUT I did get what I actually needed, and that was two pairs of jeans. I even went to the dollar store next-door to get some cheap pink plastic razors.
And I might have gone across the street and bought my boyfriend Little Big Planet 2, but technically that is his Christmas gift (in February, yea I know).
And I still owe my dad three months worth of my phone bill, andddd I need to finish paying off this semester, which I should probably figure out when I need to have that payment due...
I am a wreck.
It's 1:26 a.m. here. I have an eight o' clock class, I can't sleep, which I should be able to because I just got back from a three-day mini vacation. But noooo, my insomnia doesn't give a shit if I need to sleep or not.
So, tomorrow morning, I will probably waste two bucks on a cup of coffee from 7-Eleven, and hope that I don't run out of gas.
Wish me luck, and thanks again for reading this ranting blog post
~College Girl~
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