Wednesday, March 16, 2011


First off, sorry for not writing for awhile, life has been, well life.

But good, no, great news! I GOT INTO PENN STATE!!!!

It's not my first choice, but at least I know that I have somewhere to go next semester!

Oh god I cannot wait!
Now I'm just waiting for Plattsburgh and Binghamton, neither of which I think I'll get into but whatevs I'm totes excited!

Stupidly, I signed up for six classes this semester (originally I signed up for five, but my parents bugged me about how cheap it is [financial aid and all] and I should just sign up for one more).  I signed up for Bio, Statistics, French II, Western Civ I, Mythology =], and Intro to Lit. 

I just dropped Intro to Lit, which if you knew me, you would wonder why.

See, I'm amazing at English, I'm a writer and a reader so I love English.  I hated Intro to Lit.

Actually, it was more that I disliked my teacher more then hating the class.   He was boring, I didn't like how he taught the class, and I got my first F in English, in like ever.

I figured, I can't afford a low grade, so Lit was automatically the first to go.

Next, work, well work isn't so bad, just on top of six classes (now five) it got to be fairly stressful.  My schedule is, Sunday 1-5 (time and a half wootwoot), Monday 2:30-7:30 and I get out of class at 2, so not much time for myself, and Tuesday 4-8, which now it's okay because I dropped the class right before that shift, but again, I got out a 3:30, so still, not so much time on my hands.

And then my home life, my step-mother is a bitch, and I just want to get out of this town.  I think I talk to my parents for about twenty minutes per week, if even.

Oh life, just get simpler now please?
~College Girl~